- MAGNETOM Local Coil Program

MAGNETOM Local Coil Program
Fostering 3rd party local coil research & innovation
In Magnetic Resonance Imaging local receive coils are an essential part of any MR system and crucial to achieve excellent imaging performance. Siemens Healthineers´ coils are optimized not only towards image quality, but also imaging speed, patient comfort and workflow. The Siemens Healthineers local coil portfolio covers a broad range of applications with versatile multi-purpose coils as well as dedicated, body region specific coils.
In addition, we enable our partners in both the academic and industrial environment to address further, specialized MR application areas with own, dedicated coil solutions. These coil solutions complement the Siemens Healthineers coil portfolio to ultimately serve all patient's and user's needs.
The MAGNETOM Local Coil Program (MLCP) is the enabler for partners to develop and distribute coil solutions for Siemens Healthineers MAGNETOM MR systems. MLCP coils can be purchased through the traditional Siemens Healthineers sales channels or from the partner directly. As Siemens Healthineers Authorized Coil Manufacturers, our partners provide the official release, application support and servicing of MLCP coils.
Together, this expands the broad application possibilities of MAGNETOM MR scanners from Siemens Healthineers even further. With our united goal of precision medicine, joining forces helps to adequately serve all MR indications and patient needs.
Siemens Healthineers Authorized Coil Manufacturers
Siemens Healthineers Authorized Coil Manufacturers are authorized to develop and distribute local coil solutions for Siemens Healthineers MAGNETOM MR systems. These partners have access to all information needed for combining their coil solution with a MAGNETOM MR system in both a safe and compliant manner. The partners are responsible for development, manufacturing and release of the coil, as well as application support and servicing.
Coils from these partners are available either as MLCP Basic or MLCP Premium Coils. MLCP Basic Coils have been tested and released by the partner. MLCP Premium Coils have been tested and released by the partner and in addition are tested by Siemens Healthineers for compliance with both the MAGNETOM MR safety system and the MAGNETOM MR system performance requirements. When MLCP Premium Coils are used, Siemens Healthineers coils can remain connected to the MR system and can also be used in combination in the same scan.
MLCP Basic Coils | MLCP Premium Coils | |
Access to state-of-the art interface technology | ✓ | ✓ |
Coil tested and released by the partner | ✓ | ✓ |
Coil tested for compatibility by Siemens Healthineers | - | ✓ |
Combined use with Siemens Healthineers coils | - | ✓ |
Seamless availability after system software upgrades | ✓ | ✓ |
Eligible to be offered by the global Siemens Healthineers sales force* | ✓ | ✓ |
* country-dependent

Advanced Imaging Research dba SREE Medical Systems
Coil and incubator solutions for pediatric Imaging and coil solutions for Multi-Nucleus MRI-MRS at 1.5T, 3T and 7T.

Coil solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging at 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

Hangzhou MagtoNet Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Coil Solutions for human / non-human-primate proton and multinuclear MR imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high fields.

InkSpace Imaging Inc.
Coil solutions for pediatric MR imaging at 1.5T and 3T.
MLCP Premium Coils:
- InkSpace Imaging Small Body Array 3T (SBA24SH30B):
MAGNETOM Vida, Vida Fit, Lumina, Skyra, Skyra Fit, Prisma, Prisma Fit, Cima.X, Cima.X Fit

LMT Medical Systems GmbH
Coil solutions for pediatric head and body imaging in combined use with the LMT MR Diagnostics Incubator nomag IC Advanced at 1.5T and 3T.
MLCP Premium Coils:
- Neonatal Body Array Coil Flex 1.5T (NBAC 0800150-C):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera - Neonatal Body Array Coil Flex Spine 1.5T (NBAC 0800149-D):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera - Neonatal Head Array Coil 8 1.5T (NHAC 1.5T 0800125-C):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera - Neonatal Head Array Coil 16 1.5T (NHAC 16 0800193-A):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera

Lucidity Medical LLC.
Coil solutions with integrated high-order shimming at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T, and ultra-high field.

MR CoilTech Limited
Parallel transmit and receive coil solutions for human brain MRI at ultra-high field.

MR Instruments Inc.
Coil solutions for multi-purpose and interventional neurological MRI imaging at 1.5T and 3T.
MLCP Premium Coils:
- DuoFLEX Receiver Box 1.5T (40-00192-006):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera, Avanto, Espree - DuoFLEX Coils 10 cm Left 1.5T (40-00298-001) & Right 1.5T (40-00298-002):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera, Avanto, Espree - DuoFLEX Coils 24 cm Left 1.5T (40-00295-001) & Right 1.5T (40-00295-002):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera, Avanto, Espree - DuoFLEX Receiver Box 3T (40-00192-007):
MAGNETOM Skyra, Verio - DuoFLEX Coils 10 cm Left 3T (40-00299-001) & Right 3T (40-00299-002):
MAGNETOM Skyra, Verio - DuoFLEX Coils 24 cm Left 3T (40-00296-001) & Right 3T (40-00296-002):
MAGNETOM Skyra, Verio - DuoFlex Connector Box 3.0T Access (40-00192-008r1) with Access Head Coil 3.0T (40-00502-004r1):
MAGNETOM Vida, Lumina, Vida Fit, Skyra, Prisma, Prisma fit

Coil solutions for preclinical and clinical MR imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

NeoCoil LLC
Coil solutions for diagnostic and interventional breast MR imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.
MLCP Premium Coils:
- 16ch Breast Coil 1.5T (NC149030-A):
MAGNETOM Sola, Sola Fit, Altea, Aera, Avanto Fit, Avantofit, Skyra Fit, Skyrafit - 16ch Breast Coil 3T (NC149010-A):
MAGNETOM Vida, Vida Fit, Lumina, Skyra, Avanto Fit, Avantofit, Skyra Fit, Skyrafit

Noras MRI Products GmbH
Coil solutions for breast biopsy, dental, neurosurgery and multi-purpose MR imaging at 0,55T, 1.5T and 3T.
MLCP Premium Coils:
- Variety 16-ch Multipurpose Coil 1.5T (117410-02):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera - Variety 16-ch Multipurpose Coil 3T (117404-02):
MAGNETOM Vida, Lumina, Vida Fit, Skyra, Prisma, Prisma fit

PulseTeq Limited
Coil solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

Quality Electrodynamics, LLC
Coil solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

RAPID Biomedical GmbH
Coil solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging at 0,55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

ScanMed LLC
Coil solutions for prostate and pelvis, as well as pediatric brain and body/spine MR imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T and 3T.
MLCP Premium Coils:
- PROCURE Coil 1.5T (588SI1501-8):
MAGNETOM Sola, Altea, Sola Fit, Aera - PROCURE Coil 3T (588SI3001-10):
MAGNETOM Vida (without TimTX TrueShape), Lumina, Vida Fit, Skyra (without TimTX TrueShape)

Skope Magnetic Resonance Technologies AG
Encoding field measurement solutions and coil solutions for scientific MR imaging for 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

Suzhou Medcoil Corp. Ltd
Coil solutions for veterinary and clinical MR imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

Stark Contrast
Coil and interfacing solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

Takashima Seisakusho Co., Ltd.
Coil solutions for veterinary, proton and multinuclear imaging at 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T and ultra-high field.

Tesla Dynamic Coils BV
Coil solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging at 0,55T, 1.5T, 3T and UHF (7T).

Transmural Systems LLC
Coil solutions for MR guided catheterization at 0.55T, 1.5T and 3T.

Wavetronica B.V.
Coil Solutions for proton and multinuclear imaging, for metabolic imaging at low, high and ultra-high field.